Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Floody hell

The news is dominated by the flood warnings today, most stations pointing people to - www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/flood/floodwarning/.

Google is pointing people the same way - Searching: Flood warning, Flood, Floods - the environment agency and BBC weather come out top! Regional and national news pages have followed suit - Google News.

Good reaction making online resources available, plus a floodline phone number (0845 988 1188)...I am glad I live up a hill now and on the 3rd floor!

Lets hope that the floods in January are only this type:


Anonymous said...

"Good reaction making online resources available, plus a floodline phone number (0845 988 1188)...I am glad I live up a hill now and on the 3rd floor!"

Thinking of nothing but himself again. :-)

Giles said...

Shhh Davies! I was thinking how well the environmental agency have done to give scared people info - you can download a map of your area and it highlights high risk areas.

D said...

Were you chaps alright in the end?

Giles said...

Yeah, all up hill - no problems!