Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Today's news might be dominated by Ryanair and them sticking two fingers us at the ASA but Sunday is Super Bowl XLII - New York Giants Vs New England Patriots in Arizona.

What does the mean? The most expensive ad space of the year. "$2.7 million to spend on a 30 second ad"

There is loads of noise about this, check out some here, here, here, here and here.

I haven't got my head fully around the use of Twitter yet, but lots of people will "Twitter the ads live",

Lets hope the Giants are well enough to play. Not that I will be watching at stupid o'clock GMT!

Here is a Video from Firebrand about the Super Bowl advertising slot, thanks to Rohit for the link:

Sunday, 27 January 2008

R.I.P Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein

I have to say that A Knight's Tale is one of my favourite films...think that might make me a bit of a sado! So even though the new Batman film was meant to be Heath's big break I was already a fan.

I spotted Melanie's post the other day about how the "blogosphere leaked the story before everyone else". Facebook seems to be an outlet for fans to gather as lots of groups have appeared. E.G. here, here and here. His memorabilia flooded eBay and various forums have been created. A shame that he didnt cause that much of a buzz during his life, lets hope that Batman does him credit!

The film is due for release in the UK on 25th June, so that clears up some of the speculation that it wasn't finished!

Rest in peace Sir William:

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Floody hell

The news is dominated by the flood warnings today, most stations pointing people to - www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/flood/floodwarning/.

Google is pointing people the same way - Searching: Flood warning, Flood, Floods - the environment agency and BBC weather come out top! Regional and national news pages have followed suit - Google News.

Good reaction making online resources available, plus a floodline phone number (0845 988 1188)...I am glad I live up a hill now and on the 3rd floor!

Lets hope that the floods in January are only this type:

Thursday, 10 January 2008

A bit of playground fun

I have to admit this made me laugh...chants on the playground, jumpers for goalposts:

Thursday, 3 January 2008

My Week in Media

Happy new year, may 2008 be fruitful!

I have been tagged by Daljit to jump on the 'My Week in Media' bandwagon. You can catch up with it all the goings on here.

I have to say it has not been an average week, so my answers might make you laugh!

What I've watched

Not a lot! Some festive television (Extras and Dr Who) and a few bargain DVDs (Miami Vice and X-men 3) from the sales!
The trailer to the new Jack Black film (Looks amazing!)
Going to be using the new BBC iPlayer loads, as now bookmarked!

What I've read

Again not a lot. No books, the odd sport page of newspapers and trying to avoid the gossip/fashion/bridal magazines that the Mrs has lying around. Mainly been catching up on my Bloglines and reading other peoples week in media! (O...and the TV Guide!)

What I've listened to

Radio1 - Mills in for Moyles
Jools Holland's Hootenanny (Seasick Steve rocks)
The Joseph soundtrack at the future In-laws house!

What I've surfed

Football sites, as it is Transfer time! Latest from BBC.
Fantasyfootball, Facebook and Hotmail
Again caught up with Bloglines too!

I told you it was an odd week!

Who I am tagging?
My friend Nathan Cook at Cheeze, Lloyd Gofton and Simon Collister.

Classic advert as a bonus: