Monday, 19 November 2007

"The Power"

No this isn't a blog post about darts, and Phil Taylor. But, the shear influence that YouTube has, check out these stats from 19/11/2007 at 23:24pm:

Most viewed video of all time -
Views: 65,158,919 -

Most linked proper* video of all time -
Links: 4,013,639 -

Most commented on video of all time - Comments: 230,489 -

*Some spam type videos have more links

Mind blowing numbers, funny how a Google maps video is the most linked video...the power of Google?

One video/story generating
230,489 comments shows what impact the social media can have and how the public can have their say. (New comments are being added as I write this). A real tool in online communication.

As this is a topical news video and nothing to do with PR perhaps the Wonderbra Cadburys spoof is a better example -

21 different related videos, over 400'000+ views, 200+ comments and even I have linked to it, all in 1 week! Amazing use of Internet video for
guerrilla marketing (The advert wont be used on TV).

I will leave you with the highest ranked 'advert' video:

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