Friday, 12 October 2007

Football fever

Good luck to England tomorrow, do they have 11 fit players?

Spotted this piece on Brand Republic about Fulham and their sponsor LG electronics. (They have sponsorship on static in-stadia hoarding, LED screens and primary shirt sponsorship)LG has commissioned Comperio Research to evaluate the the sponsorship of Fulhan for the next 3 years.

From Comperio's website:
Comperio’s research agenda will be to measure the extent to which the sponsorship programme has influenced:

  • Brand perceptions and positioning
  • Brand awareness
  • Product range awareness
  • Brand image
  • Brand consumption

  • Something that interests me and I even wrote my dissertation on! I will be keeping a close eye on this, and keeping everyone up to date.

    If only they were UK citizens...

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